分類彙整: 樹莓派

Install zerotier
on Raspberry Pi



If you would like to clear or reset ZeroTier’s address on a device (the 10-digit address node ID) or you have cloned a device and you want to prevent it from using the same address, follow these instructions:

  1. Stop the service.
    1. On Windows this is done with the service manager. (Open the Start Menu and start typing “service”)
    2. On Mac you can open a terminal and useStop Mac Servicesudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zerotier.one.plist.
    3. On Linux this is usuallysudo systemctl stop zerotier-oneorsudo service zerotier-one stop
  2. Delete the files identity.public and identity.secret from ZeroTier’s working directory.
    1. On Windows this is usually "\ProgramData\ZeroTier\One".
    2. On Mac this is "/Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One".
      1. in your terminal, type open /Library/Application Support/ZeroTier/One to open the folder in Finder.
    3. On Linux this is usually "/var/lib/zerotier-one".
  3. Restart the service
    1. starting via the service manager on Windows
    2. On Macsudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.zerotier.one.plist
    3. On Linuxsudo systemctl start zerotier-oneorsudo service zerotier-one start

When started without identities ZeroTier will generate new ones.

You will need to authorize this new identity on any networks.